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円卓のねことLoad Of Nekoの皆さまいつも応援ご支援ありがとうございます( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ ) 思いの外苦戦してしまったSkebラッシュのトリでしたが最終日に何とか間に合いました。今回のご依頼文はおそらく海外の方による翻訳だと思われ、多少悩みつつも自分なりに解釈させて頂きました。シチュエイションももう少し発展できたと思うのですが時間の都合でこんなところでまとめました。キャラには特に接点は無さそうでクライアントさんのお気に入りだと思われますがマルネコも何を隠そうデレステを遊んでいた頃は幸子推しで莉嘉ちゃんもお気に入り5人以内に入る感じです。リゼロは未見ですが片目隠れキャラはなぜか惹かれる性質なのでおおむね楽しく描けました。ただその分一週間ほどカンヅメしてしまい電池切れ気味なので、放置気味の身の回りや家族のケアもフォローしつつ立ち回りたいと思います٩(๑❛ᴗ❛;)۶ あと相変わらず需要があるのかよくわかりませんが一応psdレイヤー版も置いておきます。 月末から来月の予定ですが、お盆休み辺りが締切のSkeb二点、新作漫画の再開(絵コンテラフ、表紙など)です。 Thank you to everyone at the Round Table, Load Of Neko, for your continued support. I struggled with the last one of the "Skeb Rush" but managed to submit it on the final day. When I read the text, this time the request seemed to be translated by a foreigner, and after worrying, I understood it with my own sense. I think I could upgrade the situation more, but I didn't have time so it was over. The character seems to be a client's favorite, but Maruneko also liked Sachiko before, and Rika-chan is one of my five favorites. I haven't seen Re: zero, but I like the one-eyed character and enjoyed drawing it. However, I was tired after concentrating for about a week, so I would like to follow up on housework and family care. I'm not sure if there is still demand, but I will leave the psd layer version as well. It is scheduled from the end of the month to next month. Two Skebs whose deadline is Obon holiday, and the resumption of new manga (picture contour, cover, etc.).



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