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円卓のねことLord Of Nekoの皆さまいつもご支援と応援ありがとうございます! 前回より少々間が空いてしまい申し訳ありません。こちらのお題、ついついじっくりと取り組んでしまいました。余裕があれば差分も考えていたのですがキャラが多く更に時間がかかりそうだったので今回は断念しました。ソシャゲキャラは特にデザインが複雑な事が多く…ル・マランちゃんなどは幸い出来の良いフィギュアがあったので写真を参考に出来たのが良かったです。 なんだか最近よく頂くチクチンや複根というようなマニアックな要素について…進んで本や漫画にしたりということは無いと思いますが自分の場合描く時は可能な限り可愛らしく、門外漢の人にも分かりやすいようになるよう心がけております。改造されてしまうこの子達へのせめてもの心づくしといいますか…なお今回もレイヤー分けファイルを上げておきますので必要に応じてご査収ください(期間限定)。 そういや早くも8月が迫っておりコミケに出られる人は大変なところでしょうかね?我らも冬は…コロナ禍の情勢次第が気になるところではありますが参戦したいところですね! 明日は夜まで一息付けさせて頂いて、また夜からでも作業再開したいと思います。こちらに時間を掛けてしまったので少し辻褄を合わせねばです。 Thank you to all of the Cats Of Round Table and Lord Of Neko for their support! I'm sorry I have more time than last time. I was working on this theme carefully. I was planning to add the difference if I could afford it, but I gave up this time because it seemed to take time because there are many characters. In particular, social-net characters often have complicated designs ... I was fortunate that Le Malin-chan's drawings could be based on good statue photos. For some reason, I often get it lately ... About maniac elements such as chitin and double roots ... I don't think I will actively make books or manga, but I try to make it as cute as possible so that it will be accepted by as many people as possible. I keep in mind. At least atonement for these remodeled girls ... I will upload the layered file this time as well, so please download it if necessary (for a limited time). Well, August is approaching as early as possible, and it's a difficult time for people who can go to Comiket. In winter, I would like to participate, depending on the situation of the coronavirus. Tomorrow I'll have a break until night and work will resume at night. I want to regain the amount of time I have spent here.



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