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Lord Of Nekoと円卓のねこの皆様いつも応援とご支援ありがとうございます。 新刊の印刷所への入稿や搬入手続きも片付き、昨日…(一昨日だったかも?)は久しぶりに悪夢も無くぐっすり眠れました。マルネコは締切に追われると必ずある悪夢を見るのです…それは…(一度書いたものの自主規制で消しました٩(๑❛ᴗ❛;)۶) と、というわけでまず長くご支援くださっている方には特に早くお届けしたい新刊の限定バージョンについて。と言っても限定要素はささやかなのであまり自分でハードル上げ過ぎないようにしなくてはです。表紙の差分が少々とか、なにか+α…になると思います。 贈呈のタイミングはイベント・初売りの前日辺りを予定しています。 すぐにでもお渡ししたい気持ちは山々なのですが、万が一億が一の不幸なケースを防ぐためということでご理解頂けると幸いです。 画像の方は消化再開中のSkebからアイカツ女装男の娘レズ(?)シチュです。マルネコは最近はあまりアウトプットしていませんが男の娘ネタもかなり好きなので入稿後の気分転換がてら楽しんでやっています。 GW中の投稿は新刊関連情報とSkeb消化になると思います。皆様も良き連休をお過ごしください! Lord Of Neko and Entaku no neko, Thank you for your continued support. The submission to the print shop and the delivery procedure were finished, and yesterday ... (maybe the day before yesterday?) I slept soundly without any nightmares for the first time in a while. Marneko always has a nightmare when I am pushed by the deadline ... it is ... (I wrote it once but erased it by self-regulation ٩ (๑❛ᴗ❛ ;) ۶) So, first of all, about the new limited version that I would like to deliver as soon as possible to those who have been supporting me for a long time. However, the limited elements are modest, so I have to try not to raise the hurdle too much. I think that the difference on the cover will be a little or something + α. The timing of the presentation is scheduled to be around the day before the event / first sale. I have a lot of desires to hand it over immediately, but I hope you understand that it is to prevent unfortunate cases by any chance. The images are from Skeb the situation that crossdressing of Aikatsu and lesbian play. Marneko hasn't output much recently, but I also like the story of Otokonoko, so I'm enjoying it after I've changed my mood after uploading. I think that it will be new publication related information and Skeb digestion during GW. I hope you all have a good holiday!



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