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円卓のねことLord Of Nekoの皆さまいつも応援ご支援ありがとうございます。フォロワーの皆さまも気に留めて頂き恐縮です。 今月は何かと立て込んでくたびれた場面が多めだった事もあって少々自由に絵を描いてみたくなりました。皆さまも毎日お疲れさまです。…というわけで気ままな落書きではありますが少しでも楽しんで頂けると嬉しいです。 らくがきとはいえ尻切れトンボ気味なので続きも描くかもしれません…描くかな?次の新刊のアイデア出しも兼ねています。 次の更新は新刊の清書作業が優先ですが並行してSkebラフ、またスイッチが入れば今回の続きになる予定です。 Entaku no Neko and Lord Of Neko Thank you for your continued support. ..and followers. This month, I had a lot of tired scenes, so I wanted to draw a little freely. Thank you for your hard work every day. ... So it's a carefree graffiti, but I hope you enjoy it as much as possible. Even though it's a scribble, unfinished ending I think.. so I might draw more ... It also serves as an idea for the next new issue. The next update will give priority to the new issue of clean copy work, but at the same time Skeb rough, and if the switch is turned on, it will be a continuation of this time.



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