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Lord Of Nekoと円卓のねこの皆さま、Skebやpixivリクエストなどいつもご支援ありがとうございます。

漫画、お題絵、日々の落書きなど皆さまそれぞれお好みお有りと思いますがなるべく全方位に渡ってご期待に添えるよう活動して参りますので今後とも宜しくお願い致します( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )



※今回もpsdデータのシェアに付き(だいたい)30日程度の公開となっていますので、必要に応じてお早めのDLをお願い致します(Lord Of Nekoは無期限)。

Thank you to Lord Of Neko and the Entaku no Neko(Cats of roundtable) for their continued support.

I'm sure that you have different tastes such as manga, theme drawings(Skeb), daily graffiti, etc., but I will continue to work in all directions to meet your expectations, so I look forward to your continued support (⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎).

The theme picture is the bodyswapping ... but it's the unexpected theme that the opponent does not wake up. It was a blind spot for Marneko, who has been mainly engaged in story manga that can be done only short situation because it is one page. Since Skeb's drawings have also been accumulated, I'm considering whether I can draw them separately from the new issue being prepared and put them together in one volume.The next update is scheduled for manga (for new book), so it may take some time. Thank you for your understanding..

* This time as well, the psd data will be shared for about 30 days, so please download it as soon as possible (Lord Of Neko is unlimited).




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