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先日温水洗浄便座が突如お亡くなりになり、取り替えに大苦戦しておりました。年始に実家のトイレの交換を手伝っていたので自信満々で適当に秒で新品を注文したものの、メーカーによって微妙に仕様が異なるようで後からパーツを要求されたりなんだりで思いの外手こずってしまいました(๑+ᴗ+๑)=3 さて、今回は先週の作業まとめになります。ラフ多めだったのでぷちで更新するか迷うがまま一週間近く経ってしまい申し訳ありません。 皆さん的にはネタ少なめでもこまめな更新、間隔空いても枚数多めどちらがお好みですかね…? 一枚目はskebご依頼、FF7の女装クラウド女体化とスカーレットふたなり化調教シチュ。少々キャラ理解に取られてしまいやや遅れ気味なので取り戻したい所存であります٩(๑❛ᴗ❛;;)クラウドはともかくスカーレットの画像はあまり無いんですよね。 二枚目以降は新刊の表紙進行中。 ふとバイブを持たせてみたのですが、今回のおそらく前編となる方ではまだ使用しない予定なのでボツにしました、のでご供養です。 まるねこ本人が表紙やジャケのシチュが本編に無いととてもがっかりするので悲しみを産まないよう… 今月は主に進行中の新作ラフの仕上げを進めて一話ごとに皆さんに先行公開出来るよう追い上げたいと思います。skebもぼちぼち、あまりお待たせしないように消化したいところです。 次の更新はFF絵の完成、新刊の表紙の順の予定です。 The other day, the warm water washing toilet seat died suddenly, and I had a hard time replacing it. Since I helped replace the toilet in my parents' house at the beginning of the year, I was confident and ordered a new one in a suitable number of seconds, but the specifications seemed to differ slightly depending on the manufacturer, and parts were requested later, so I had a hard time unexpectedly. (๑ + ᴗ + ๑) = 3 By the way, this time is a summary of last week's work. It was a lot of rough, so I'm sorry that it's been almost a week since I was wondering whether to update it with Petit. For everyone, which one do you prefer, the one with less material but the one with frequent updates, or the one with more number of sheets even if there is an interval? The first piece is a request from skeb, FF7's transvestite cloud feminization and scarlet futanari training situation. I'm a little late to understand the character, so I'd like to get it back. Aside from the cloud, there aren't many images of Scarlet. The second and subsequent covers are in progress. I tried to give it a vibe, but I decided not to use it yet because it is probably the first part of this time, so it is a memorial service. Maruneko himself will be very disappointed if there is no cover or jacket situation in the main story, so do not give birth to sadness ... This month, I would like to mainly finish the new rough work in progress and catch up so that each episode can be released in advance to everyone. Skeb is also sloppy, and I want to digest it so that I don't have to wait too long. The next update will be in the order of completion of the FF picture and the cover of the new issue.



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