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只今skebリクエストが溜まっておりまして絶賛消化中でございます。新刊共々お待たせして申し訳ありません。コツコツ進めて参る所存であります( 人ᵕᴗᵕ; )こちらはあと塗るだけなのですぐに上がるでしょう。 こちらのご依頼は「結城友奈は勇者である」(ゆゆゆ)から鷲尾須美ちゃんと乃木園子ちゃんのふた化シチュ。今回はふた化とはいっても露出の少ない、ソフト目で可愛いらしいシチュですね!NSFWですが全年齢でもいけるレベル。 今回のように凝った衣装は頂いた資料だけでは難しいことがちょくちょく御座いまして、そんな時はフィギュアの画像を探して参考にする時があります。 そこで気になるのが、今回探して出てくる該当の衣装はほとんどが鷲尾須美ちゃんのではなく東郷美森ちゃんというキャラ。鷲尾須美ちゃんの衣装は頂いた映画の画像と微妙に違う画像が多い…まるねこはゆゆゆはまだ未見でおり理解度の面で至らぬ点もござらぬ故、そのうち鑑賞するつもりなのですが、どうやらこれは物語の核心に関わりそうな気もするのでおそるおそる参考にしております٩(๑❛ᴗ❛;)۶ Skeb requests are being collected right now, and I'm in the process of acclaiming them. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for the new book. I will continue to move forward steadily (People ᵕᴗᵕ;) This is just a post-painting, so it will go up soon. This request is from "Yuki Yuna is a Hero" (Yuyuyu) to Sumi Washio and Sonoko Nogi. This time, even though it's a lid, it's a soft-eyed and cute situation with little exposure! NSFW is a level that can be used by all ages. It is often difficult to make elaborate costumes like this one with just the materials you received, and in such cases, you may find an image of the figure and use it as a reference. What I'm curious about is that most of the costumes that I'm looking for this time are not Sumi Washio but Mimori Togo. Many of Sumi Washio's costumes are slightly different from the images in the movie she received ... Maruneko hasn't seen Yuyuyu yet, and there aren't many points that she doesn't understand, so I'm planning to watch it soon. However, it seems that this seems to be related to the core of the story, so I am afraid to refer to it ٩ (๑❛ᴗ❛ ;) ۶



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