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※9月末までの限定公開になります…ので必要に応じて画像の保存等をお願い致します。(Lord Of Nekoは無制限)

It's been a week since my last post. ٩ (๑❛ᴗ❛ ;) ۶ Since last week, I've been mainly working on rough (name) new books. As I announced before, it will be a short episode format, so I was planning to share it in a good place, but it was a bit of a struggle, so time has passed.

However, I think it was worth the trouble and I was able to proceed with a convincing development.

That's why this time we will have a large number of sheets including the bot development (and the modified version of the previous duplicate), but I hope you can look forward to the completion by looking at this.

this post is limited(September only).please download any file if you need.

(Lord Of Neko member is unlimited)

表紙ラフ(rough of cover design)

3エピソード目のラフ(rough of episode 3)

ボツ展開のラフ(not adopted draft)



I don't hate being violated , but this time I wanted to make the TS feeling stronger and more delicate, so I decided to change it as described above on the way.

This kind of involvement development tends to occur in commercial magazines with page restrictions.

skebラフ(スタートゥインクルプリキュアのキュアセレーネ)(rough of skeb commission)

最後に忙中閑ありの精神で進めておりますskebリク。漫画よりも絵に集中できるので練習や気分転換になっております( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )


Finally, skeb Riku is proceeding with a busy and quiet spirit. I can concentrate on painting rather than manga, so I am practicing and changing my mood (⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎)

This time I got the so-called defeat heroine setting, so I enjoyed writing the lines.


