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昨日(創作以外で)忙しくUP出来なかったしんちょく分です٩(๑❛ᴗ❛;)۶ 今日目処立てたいですね! 前回分、二度目の運営お叱りを受けてしまい一時非公開にされており申し訳ありません。例によって修正漏れとのことでしたが、今回は認識の違いというか…Ci-enではお咎めなしですし自分の中ではセーフだったので今後気をつけねばなりませぬね(๑❛ᴗ❛;) Yesterday (other than creation) I was too busy to upload it I want to finish it today! I am sorry that I was temporarily closed to the public because I was scolded for the second operation last time. As usual, it was said that the correction was omitted, but this time it is a difference in recognition ... There is no blame for Ci-en and it was safe for me, so I have to be careful in the future.



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