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お正月は皆さんはいかがお過ごしだったでしょうか? まるねこの場合ほぼ半分は寝ていましたが、もう半分はずっとお預けだったPS5(でPS4のゲーム)を遊んだり、手が鈍らないためにもskebを消化しておりました。 今月は催眠音声のコミカライズを進めなくてはならないので年始からバタバタしそうな雰囲気ですが、皆さんに良いご報告をしていけるよう頑張ります٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶=3 サークルとしての新作の企画も早く取り掛かりたいですね! How was your New Year? In this case, I slept almost half of the time, but the other half was playing PS5 (although PS4 game..) that I had been entrusted with for a long time, and digesting skeb so that I wouldn't get dull. This month I have to proceed with the comicalization of hypnotic voice, so it seems to be fluttering from the beginning of the year, but I will do my best to give a good report to everyone:) I want to start planning a new work as a circle as soon as possible!



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