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円卓のねこ・ロード・オブ・ネコ(Lord of Neko)の皆さま、いつもサポート本当にありがとうございます( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎。今年は世界の混乱の中我々の業界も無縁ではいられず、先の見えないあっという間の一年でしたが、同じように大変なはずであるにも関わらず、ファンの皆さまに支えていただき乗り切ることが出来ました。

Early end of year greeting

Hi dear Neko of the round table and Lord of Neko members,Special thanks for your support:)

our workiing can't be irrelevant Covid-19 pandemic in this year,It was an uncertain and quick year, but despite the fact that it should be just as difficult, I was able to survive with your support.



SNSやこのようなサポータープログラムの出現はクリエイターにとって追い風であると同時に避けて通れないツールにもなり得ますが、まる寝子としては数字としてのフォロワー数を追うよりは皆さまのような真のファンと向き合っていく方針ですε=(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)…あまり言うと重たいかもしれませんが(๑❛ᴗ❛;)出入り自由のプログラムですのでくれぐれも皆さんも無理の無い範囲でよろしくお願い致しますm( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )m

Supporter's strength

Above all, the presence of everyone who participates in the so-called paid plan is probably stronger than you think. Of course, it is a fund for activities, but the desire to support even if you cut your money is persuasive and precious.

The emergence of SNS and such supporter programs can be a tailwind for creators and at the same time an inevitable tool, but as a Marneko, a true fan like you rather than chasing the number of followers :)… It may be serious to say too much... It is a program where you can join and go, so please do not hesitate to support.




"Maidroid" overview

This is short story was published in magazine"Comic Unreal" on 2010,it's looks oldschool but my favorite just one with "Maidencarnation".

There is no skinsuits element recently, but it can be said that it is the sprout of Gothic maid (?) That continues from "Trance B maid" → "Maidencarnation", and if there is a test of Marneko history, it will definitely come out so I have not seen it Then I would like you to take this opportunity to read it.







(Lord Of Nekoメンバーは無期限)

What's W birthday?

Day before yesterday, the 21st is a Marneko's, and the day after tomorrow is Christmas, on anniversary. please enjoy it!

*P.S. 2021/1/1

This post is limited edition(finish is undecided).Lord Of Neko is unlimited.




plannning various thing..

if you were enjoyed it I ready to post like this.please good and comment!




Have a nice holiday and thank you for all of your hard work.