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1.0.2: Fixed ID conflict with other H-Maps. Fixed some geometry that was only visible from one side. Added more H-Points.

1.0.1: Added VR HPoints, fixed 3P Hpoints that were not set properly.

New map pack, this took longer to do from what I expected.

The Sunshine version will come soon.

Content: 4 Maps

- Coast Road

- Trista Town

- Trista Town alt/beta version

- Lake (has Skybox issues due to the main camera far clip plane)

Map previews


[Google Drive] -> KK_JRPHM_v1.0.2.zipmod

[Mega] -> KK_JRPHM_v1.0.2.zipmod

How to use:

- Make sure that you have at least BepInEx 5.0 and the latest version of BepisPlugins for KK installed.

- Put the .zipmod file inside your mods folder.

- Done!

Let me know If you have or find any issues.



Wow, it's the Kiseki series, one of my favorites. Looking forward to KKS maps.


Heads up that the Hpoints for VR are not set.