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Just got up and learn that pixiv will update their guidelines and by the looks of it they are going to ban most R-18 related works to adapt the western ethics in regards to fictional characters as stated here: https://www.pixiv.net/info.php?id=8789

The bullet point that they give is really vague since most of R-18 related works falls in those categories that they give, like the one with Rape (or any other non-consensual sexual behavior) do I have to go to the demon continent to ask Roxy consent? Do I have to start my works with a warning that this fictional character gave his consent to this image / video? Jokes aside these guidelines will affect every R-18 artist here so if worst comes to worse most of my old content will be purge.

I really wish they reconsider their plans. but whatever happens I will still continue doing what I liked to do until I find an alternative so I can migrate to it and continue some loli works that I am planning to make.

My R-18 Mushoku tensei set is on the works but I might upload a filler content this week until I finished it and it will be a loli filler content.

Thanks for all the supporters, the followers, comments and the likes / bookmarks I really appreciate it!



It’s ridiculous how much power credit card companies have over everyone’s lives. And they seem to be on a crusade. Crypto and stablecoins like USDC, BUSD, etc are the answer. If people would get with the times already. Anyway, hope it all works out in the end. Love your art.


Yeah, it is sad to see what has become to the internet in regard to fictional works and by the looks of it, R-18 artists here will scatter again in the internet like a used dragonball.


I read some tweets that the new terms may be referring to illegal irl content that apparently has been sell thru ai generated content or comments on random posts. Since the terms are really vague, I’m hopeful that pixiv isn’t making fictional content NG and only referring to irl stuff! Here’s the tweet thread if you’re curious: https://mobile.twitter.com/seri3ma/status/1592557575869906944 Hopefully this is the case and if so, pixiv really needs to stop making everyone panic!


Thanks for the information, I really hope that is really the case and will not affect fictional content. The only thing we can really do is to wait for their statement about their final guidelines and hope for the best. As I am also a fan of most R-18 artist here so the idea of having an almost all in one place for R-18 fictional content is really convenient so I really hope pixiv will not ruin it.