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Hello my fellow supporters,

My deepest apologies for lack of new content since the end of May. I know I´ve been posting very little since then and I feel that I owe you at least an explanation why that is. It is about my IRL situation, which I was not comfortable sharing before, but I think it is about time, since my condition only worsened and it seems I won´t be able to get back into shape anytime soon as I hoped originally. Also sorry in advance for longer text post, I know nobody like ´em very much.

The first thing is I´ve been having health problems for past 6 years or so, that affected my daily life but not that much. These problems worsened now to the point I am constantly driving to doctors for all kinds of exams, taking a lot of medication and I´ll propably need invasive surgery in near future. I am having problems with my vision, breathing, constant intensive headaches and severe dizzines and chest pains. I don´t want to go into precise details, but it is affecting my abillity to work as I worked before.

The second thing is, while I am going through this situation I also discovered that my wife has been unfaithfull for several months now and is having an affair. She also took my kids and want to live with the guy she´s cheating on me with. This kind off broke me, to the point I was unable to find will to get out of the bed for several weeks. I basically lost my family and was left all alone to deal with it and I am not able to just deal with it it seems. Again I do not want to go too much into details here, but I think you can imagine this affected my mental state in a very bad way too.

These two factors really did a number on me, I tried to work on something several times but I mostly feel like I lost my edge when making stuff and everything looked unpolished and not worth releasing at all. I am sorry. I´ll keep trying to do new content but I cannot say how long it would take me to get back into releasing at the same pace as before. Thank you for all your support over the years, I was always gratefull to have people that actually like the stuff I make, meant a lot to me.

Thankfully, yours




Take your time, real life circumstances are significantly more important than any possible dissatisfaction from the supporters here, and anyone level headed will be understanding. GL w/ your health and best wishes with you and yours going forward!


Chin up. Your real world and real problems come first, and I at least will continue to support you until I cannot. I hope things get better for you, thank you for the explanation, we will all wait patiently :)