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Most of you propably already figured this out, but I never clearly stated it until now.

I fully switched to Blender from using SFM. I bought much more powerfull PC workstation from my previous laptop I used and now I can work in Blender and even render stuff myself without waiting days to render a few frames. It is still not as powerfull station as I want, since it struggles a lot with more complex scenes and I have to do a lot of compromise to actually fit the scene into available memory limit, but it is usable I think for the most part.

Since I started fully working with Blender I just cannot go back into SFM, it feels so archaic now. So yeah, I am now a Blender guy instead of SFM, just to clarify things.

There is one thing for which I´ll might have to use SFM once more and it is the Zoey project stuck waiting to be finished for so long now. I have several minutes of it finished and it looks pretty nice I think so I might get back just to finish Zoey project but otherwise I don´t want to work with SFM anymore.



Congratulations on your new computer! Blender is amazing! i want to learn a good method for modelling things.. for other uses too Can't wait to see what you develop