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Hi there my amazing supporters ! I know it´s been a while since I posted something and I gotta confess I am kind off strungling with making content since like mid June. I am trying to overcome an artist block, most of the things I tried to make in the last two months looked like crap IMO and not worth releasing, that resulted in post gap. I hate this feeling that I am unable to do anything worth releasing and the more I try to push myself to create anything good the worse it turn out and I feel really bad about it since I feel resposibility to deliver you the best content I can create and as much of it as I can. I finally got to the point where I am propably mostly over the damn block, I think this Jill animation is turning out really nicely so I decided to share at least that with you for now. :) And I recently tried to get back into some old unreleased animations and remastering them and that turned out kinda neat too, so I´ll be releasing those too. My release schedule is pretty messed up now, but I am not forgetting it, I have full intentions to finish the Rebecca project, two Blender animations and Jill animation (that is on the WIP) and all these poll winners...it just might take me a while to catch up on everything. I´d like to promise that these gaps won´t occur in the future, but knowing myself that is highly unlikely. I am having those blocks at least 2 times a year usually and they last from few weeks to about two months. I am really sorry if I dissapointed any of you.




Your attention to detail is very admirable. As a perfectionist myself, I know that nothing is ever truly perfect, but I think your work is exceptional and well worth the wait. I’m honestly happy that you set the bar high for yourself because I’m always blown away by the stuff I see from you.