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男達が言うには「花嫁候補の中に賊が紛れ込んでいたので念のため全員拘束した」らしい。 この場に連れてこられたのは、どうやらティファを他の候補に会わせて反応を確認したいようだ。 他の候補者達はこの衝立の向こう側にいるとの事。 ティファにとっては、この作戦に仲間が介入する心当たりがなかったため、作戦行動を邪魔する他の候補者達に対し少し苛立ちを感じていた。 The men say, "Because a thief was among the bride candidates, I detained them all just in case." They brought Tifa here, apparently wanting Tifa to meet other candidates to see the reaction. The other candidates are on the other side of this tsuitate. Tifa was a little annoyed by the other candidates who were in the way of Tifa because he had no idea that his companions would intervene in this operation.



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