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<<1Page>> 1-1 Whew… 1-2 Could that be it? 1-3 That glow! 1-4 That's the legendary treasure that gives you bliss. I've finally found it. 1-5 Large ❤ 1-6 I can't reach it. Here we go… 1-7 ho! <<2Page>> 2-1 So this is going to be mine. 2-2 2-3 2-4 eeeh! 2-5 <<3Page>> 3-1 Oh, my God! Mimic! 3-2 Oh, no! 3-3 Oh, no... am I... going to be eaten? <<4Page>> 4-1 What, I'm saved? 4-2 I mean, my clothes are melting! 4-3 Damn it, I can't reach it. <<5Page>> 5-1 Aah! 5-2 Oh no! 5-3 Stop it! That's disgusting! 5-4 painful!! Don't tell me this mimic understands language? <<6Page>> 6-1 It hurts! That was a lie! The truth is, it feels good. 6-2 That's not true, is it? You don't think this mimic is really... 6-3 Damn it… Oh… 6-4 6-5 Huh! <<7Page>> 7-1 After a few hours… 7-2 7-3 Forgive…me… Pleaselet…me rest… <<8Page>> 8-1 And the night dawned. 8-2 …oof 8-3 Huh...Huh. Liberated...? <<9Page>> 9-1 painfuuuuuul! Still possessed by the mimic!! 9-2 Oh❤ Oh❤ 9-3 Fucking mimic! I'm just going to keep getting raped like this for nothing. 9-4 I don't have a choice. 9-5 Let's get an alchemist to help us. Mimic. You're gonna have to be quiet… This is how the parasite-possessed Chihiro's defenseless escape began. (To be continued...)




This story needs follow-up content, parasites and tentacle suits are great!