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I do not remember if the background is from Auschwitz, Dachau or Treblinka...

I have never understood Holocaust deniers. It is obvious that it happened - had we been allowed to have that kind of fun, who would have resisted the temptation?

OK, after this, I am going to get myself drunk.

familyt 4-k18-[zcr]




Me, neither. Not exactly my regular company but ALL NeoNazis/racists/anti-Semites I've know were in no way, shape or form denying it. Their regret was the numbers weren't sufficient. And evidence of it - say 'collectables' like old Zyklon-B canisters and interesting 'lampshades' like holy sacred relics... Can't really say where I've ever come across ONE "Holocaust" denier. On the other hand there's tons of "Inquisition apologists" and "Burning Times Deniers" also those that say Irish weren't oppressed - the "Irish need not apply" somehow revised into something positive...