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Hi everyone~ It's ShizumiHanako here~

Been a long time since my last update, how are everyone doing? I'm doing very good! And I hope you are doing like that, too XD

I was too busy with school works, part-time job, then working on story with practicing drawing when I have free time at home. Of course, I still keep my health at a moderate rate as possible.. Haha.

Today update is not much, but I would like to hear everyone's thought about my past stories. I love to hear it in the comment, also, if there's anything that I could improve, I will do my best to~

The story that I currently doing is Parasite P4, and it will be finished by tomorrow XD Here are some preview images~

I hope you like the parasite scene XD

Finally, part-time job and school works were a lot, and I'm trying to balance everything. Working along side with praticing drawing~ I'm currently learning to draw chibi, believe that if I better at chibi, it would be easier when learning to draw the whole body.

And here are some of my past practices:

I'm looking forward to hear your thought~ I will do my best for future!

Thank you really much for everyone's support~ I hope everyone will look forward to my other stories soon~




your stories are great as always, and your drawings are improving everytime... good work, good studies, and good health is all i wish you... best regards


This parasitism is OK. Next should be from nipple to Nipple transfer.


When Space Invasion Part 2.2 gonna come?


I'm quite looking forward to it tomorrow, but I hope you also make a new arc fusion maybe. Your spirit always presents the best


Your drawing is rlly cute. Good to hear that you are OK. Keep up the good work!


Your stories are good. I like them. I like most of what you do. The only stories I'm more "salty" is when the characters behave quite outside their normal selves 😓. The "To-love-ru" ones are such example. I understand why, you didn't watch the series so I'm not angry about it or anything but I rather it was different. The other thing I'd rather different is that I have a personal preference for smaller breasts than you (I think you like large breasts). I so that is something which reduces my taste in some works. I see you have been varying more in that regard more lately. Thank you for that 🙏 Sorry for focusing so much on the issues 🙏. I like overall so the issues list is much shorter.


About your drawings here: I think you are going great! I see many signs of amateurish and even more signs of talent. Either you put an absurd amount of time on each chibbi or you are talented and you just need practice. That's an uncommon talent. I think you'll do awesome just like other famous artists with a few more years practice when they were also starting! Do you like drawing those? If so, I think you can go for it! 🎉


Okay, I got it~ I will do my best to include those in my other stories! Thank you very much!


I like to draw chibi then move up to drawing proper body, then if I could, I have a small dream of drawing a manga for everyone to see in future~ Just hope I could last and fight until then.