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I have seen that many mobile users when they download my Zip file caused the the story not in their order.

So I look for a site to turn it into an PDF file when posting new story.

Most site are paid and I lost 9$ for nothing.

So I need everyone who good at this to help me~

Thank you very much~




Can you be more specific about what happened with images that they are not in correct order? Only thing that comes to my mind is that file names got messed up somehow.


Yes, like when you unzip the file, the order should be from A001, A002, A003,.. but the problem is some users they have wrong order like A003, A001, A002.


Interesting and strange as this shouldn't be happening at all. Which story/stories those people downloaded and had this issue?


Looked into it. Tried extracting and looking at it on phone, no issues but that could be merely because I use Android, not sure how it would behave on iOS or other. Can't really dig much deeper into this without replicating the issue. .pdf is a solution, will keep my eyes open for any potential software or site you could use.


They didn't sort by image order by filename?