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A story request. I confessed to a senior who I had a crush on at school, but my confession was rejected.And yet, the boy goes into the classroom feeling lonely thinking that it would be better for him to date someone better than me. Then one day, I was walking through the hallway, and by chance, my senior was cursing the boy by telling his friends what he had confessed yesterday. When he heard that, the boy was angry and looked for a way to get revenge on his senior as soon as he got home, and accidentally found a TSF site. So I bought some strange medicine from TSF site, and the next day, the male student enters the senior's body using the medicine he bought yesterday, and the male student continues to masturbate with the senior's body, and then has sex with his body.After that, the boy says he will live his senior's life and the story ends...Can you make a story like this?


Hahaha. I see~And thank you for liking my translation♡