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ASTRID 17 years old High school student Oldest of 3 Astrid is the oldest of 2 siblings. A little brother and a sister. (Both age 12) They live in a small house along with their drunken father. The mother passed away due to a chronic illness when Astrid was only 13 years old. Because of this, the father was left in a state of depression. His mental health prevented him from being a father figure to his children. Leaving them to fend for themselves. Unable to perform his duties as a father, it was up to Astrid to pick up the slack and be the grown up. Astrid struggled greatly to get where she is now, she studied hard, got a job, done all the chores and cooked meals for her siblings, and took care of them as a mother would. All between the age of 13 to 17 years old. Present time- Astrid is an honorable student and an amazing leader to her peers in her class. She is well respected and considered the most popular girl in the entire school. Shes incredibly kind towards others and helps when needed. Astrid lives a very exhausting and tough life. Due to her father's mental health. She’s the only one putting food on the table and paying bills. She rarely gets a chance to herself to do something she wants to do, as she’s either working, or studying. She studies hard so she can get a good job to let her family live a better life. As they live in a poor home environment. When she does get time to herself, she is found in the dance club room, dancing to rnb/hip hop music. She is the reason why her family is still together. Unfortunately, people want her dead for some reason… If this happens, the siblings would be taken to a foster or orphanage. The father would be in a mental institution due to losing his precious daughter. Her friends and teachers would mourn her death. Her best friend would enter depression. But at least her mother would get to see her baby girl again
