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Hey guys, just wanted to let you guys know I was involved in a car accident that was not my fault. I was not hurt too badly, but I am quite sore and have a sprained wrist, so I'm going to be out for about 3-4 days to recover, then I'll start back on the commissions.




Holy shit, thank goodness you came out of that alright.


Goddamn!! Glad you're still in one piece after a wreck like that.


So glad that you are okay, this looks nasty! Take all your time to rest and recover!


Luckily you are okay.

vault vault

Hope you get well soon! Also, I'm considering to become a fan but some of your older posts on pixiv cannot be found on fanbox. Are they recorded on your archive? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/74705186 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73761385 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78678010 Thanks


Glad you are okay Rasta. Looks like an ugly accident but take your time. You have many fans that are here in support of you and are glad that you are safe man. <3


Damn, take care and make sure you rest up. Good thing you arent majorly injured