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Hello everyone. I wanted to update you on the plans. As you know, the yen rate has been dropping to the ground, and with it, the price of my memberships. I don't agree with that, so I'm updating the plans to reflect the current conversion rate of the yen to USD. All the old plans will be discontinued next month. If you signed up before, you're good, but starting next month, I will update the key, so you must move over your memberships I will also be introducing new content for my 4K subscribers, and it's called variations. This is where I will make the same content but with different models who have the same rig. An example would be Scarlet and Tifa. Both have the same rig, so if I make an animation with either one of them, I will render a different version featuring the other. This will only be for 4K users. I know this is long, but I had to do this. Thank you for the continued support.



Seems fair to me, keep up the great work. Definitely like the swap out models idea.


All of us that payed for this month, need to pay second time for the month just to see the posts that we already payed for... Nice scam.


You are not paying a second time If you upgrade to the new plan, you are going to pay the difference, which is the original price is supposed to be set at. I don't control the price of yen and when it goes down, that is not the way I set my prices. I set my plan price at 5 USD, but the yen conversion price made it go down to almost 2 USD. So I know it's not your fault, but that is not the price I set. If you upgrade from the old plan to the new plan, you will only pay the difference For example, the old price before the yen downgrade was 5$ but to subscribe now it would be 2$ if you switch to the new plan you would pay the original price, so only 3$ difference no scam.