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今回は先日いただいたコミッション絵でペルソナ5より武見妙です。 以前描いた新島真のリク絵きっかけで依頼いただいたものです。 (手に持ってるのは「デンタルミラー」という歯医者さんがよく使うアレです。) [URL] https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ama4NibLL9Avux1wPOCe5YhTkT9j?e=eDhuKi リクエスト企画、残り1枚を残すところではありますが予定としてはカラー化する絵を全て掲載してから公開できればな~と考えてます! まさかここまでかかるとは…もう今年も残す所あと数日だというのに…。 今年はあともう1回更新する予定なので最後のご挨拶はまた次回に! [English tlanslate]=================== This time I drew a commissioned picture of Tae Takemi from Persona 5. The request art of Niijima Makoto that I drew before led to the commission. (By the way, the thing she's holding in her hand is a "dental mirror," which is often used by dentists.) I have included a translated text file. *The upload link is listed at the top.*




Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for the gift.


Merry Christmas! ~ I like this upload format. It is easier to download the translation in a file and as a full set with images.


Thanks for another year! I look forward to working with you again next year.


Marry Xmas! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I also feel this way of sharing is better.