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今回は前回描いたシーンの前後を描いたマンガです。 ※説明不足かもしれないので一応補足すると、実際には彼女は お昼をサンドイッチやおにぎりのような軽食で済ませているのですが 催眠アプリの記憶改変によってその記憶も補正されているという設定です。 リベンジのつもりで臨んでいたとはいえ、まさかこんなことになるとは…差分なし宣言とは一体なんだったのか。 なんにしても長期に亘って支援くださっている方がこの企画で少しでも喜んでいただければ幸いです。 [English Subtitles]=============================== [1] Sayama "Looks like you got through it well this time. What tricks did you use?" "Well, okay. But don't think this is the end." "I can arrest a scumbag like you any time I want." [2] Sayama "I'm going to expose your misdeeds soon." Man "Detective, could you take a look at this for me?" Sayama "What? You ready to confe(ss)......" [4] Sayama "Huh? What was I doing? I think I was talking to him and then..." "OMG! It's already this late!" [6] Sayama "?...What is it?" [7] Sayama "Is that the ...fried rice with starchy sauce I just had for lunch?" [8] Tsutomu "Hey, Sayama!! Where the hell have you been all this time? We got a call for backup, so get over there now!" Sayama "!?...Yes, sir!" Tsutomu "I don't know if you've been playing with the boys, but if you're going to leave your seat, you're going to have to tell me!" Sayama"!?No!...I didn't do that, sir!" System Message "Accessing the subject's consciousness...Success Rewriting the subject's common sense...Success Altering the subject's memory after the fact...Success" Next time, we may continue to publish the request series. As for the rehab series, it has been difficult, so we will proceed slowly. I will continue drawing little by little when I feel like it. *If unauthorized reproduction is discovered, the provision of some content may be restricted. Please be aware of this.* ==============================================






本当にありがとうございます!リクエストした際にはこんなにも力を入れてくださるなんて思ってなかったのでもう感無量です! 狭山かモンハンワールドの受付嬢かで迷っていたのですが、こちらにして良かったですw


Yes! I love the attention to detail! Before she could fully analyze the flavor of the semen, she gets interrupted! Also love the pubic hair!




ありがとうございます!今回は満足いくまで描いたつもりなので喜んでもらえてよかったです。 受付嬢もグルメキャラで色々とフェチとの親和性高そうなキャラなので迷うのはとてもよくわかります。


Thank you! It was for this description that I decided to draw this comic. I was happy to draw it too.