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リハビリ12! 1日目はこれにて終了で次回から2日目に突入します。 次回以降もイイ感じの展開やカットを描けているので個人的に早くお見せしたい気持ちでいっぱいですが、そうするとこのペースでの定期更新が追い付かなくなってしまうのであくまでマイペースに・・・! 引っ越し先でネット環境が整うまで2~3週間かかる見込みですが作業自体はできると思うので記事更新等をネットカフェかどこかでやろうかな~と考えております。 [English subtitles]=============================== I recently became aware that my content was being reprinted on e-hentai.org without my permission by User "Pokmon". I have applied to have that content removed and it has now been removed, but it has been reposted on other websites. Sorry, I will stop translating the content for a while. X( But I don't want to allow a situation where others lose out due to some dishonest people. If you really want to know the translated text of the contents, please contact me and I will give you the translated text. I have also prepared an English translation of this short story, which I had previously stopped publishing in English, and will provide it with you. https://sawao-onk.fanbox.cc/posts/1342597 Please forgive me if the English translation is not accurate. Only those who have supported me for more than 10 consecutive months can be contacted. If you are eligible, please send a message to me from within this FANBOX. Just so there are no misunderstandings, please send me a message about this request, instead of commenting on this article. [Image1]------------------------ JILL "Suddenly I felt lightheaded..." DOCTOR "Well.... Maybe the dose of the medicine I gave you was too much." DOCTOR "I'm going to ask you some questions after this. Answer them and we'll call it a day." JILL "Okay." JILL "By the way..." DOCTOR "!?,,,,,W,What?" [Image2] JILL "You seem to be sweating a lot,,,,, are you okay?" DOCTOR "Oh,,,, I'm fine. It's okay..." =============================================




よし、気がついてない!まだイケるッッッ!! (本当に忙しい中、更新ありがとうございます。なんか元気が出ました!!)


I can hardly handle the excitement. 😵❤️


カウパー液まみれの唇がエロいです! 気が付いていない…ってのが良いですね!


ぬお~これでまだ一日目とは・・・密度が・・・凄いです。 診察のやりとりをじっくり丁寧に描いていただいて、イケナイ度合いもマシマシですね。ありがとうございます。 何やら次回も新しい趣向の予感が・・・お忙しい中どうかご無理なさらず、さわおさんペースでお願いします!


まだまだ一線を越え続けていけるッ! こちらそ見ていただきありがとうございます。 今のうちに体と時間が許す限りはこのシリーズ描き続けていきます!


ありがとうございます! こういう系が好きなのでこのシリーズで本格的にこういう描写をちょいちょい描けるのが楽しいです。


お気遣いいただきありがとうございます! 観てる側がちょっと退屈になってしまいそうなシーンもあるかもしれませんがこういうのはあったほうが後のシコり度が全然変わるのでご理解いただけると嬉しいです!


単なるマネキンではないキャラの人間味こそが悪戯系エロの破壊力に直結することをよくわかっていらっしゃる… 生活が落ち着くまでマイペースで描いてくだされ




I understand your desire to stop having English translation since your work is pirated, I will be honest that I have found your work on that website originally, then I started following your pixiv account, then I discovered your fanbox. True fans will find you here on fanbox and support your work. Please treat it as free marketing and advertisement. As an international fan, I would love the English translation but I can use Google App Image Translation, more steps but I will understand the text. Keep up the good work!


Thanks! I don't want to argue with you about this issue, but I'm glad you are interested in my fanbox!