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Who will be lucky winner? let's find, leave your comment for enlisting to candiates

How it works + regulations

Playing with new mods + announcement

doodle weeks ago I downloaded muay thai related mods(also download foot guard but not applied in this time) apply it into Sarah(Pro, red glove) and Kubera(Ace, white glove) Poses are from previous made poses little editing announcement I'm now planning to make 100 or 150 yen plan for people who ...

gather around, leave your wishes on comment!

than I will rolling, and pick up the winner!

Request update

it was months ago idea gathering winner's request! Request was.... -Make some short story about your former champion, Diva

last time winner's wish is related on my story, so I prolonged it




It’s my first time doing this, is it ok if you could do a short private match between Kubera and Helga? Both would be topless and both are mainly in a steamy clinch eventually making out


A good idea... Hmm


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