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Still a lot of work to be done haha I realized that I skipped FE6, so after this maybe I will go down to that for awhile




I misread that as FF6, and was really happy for a moment.


I don't know that there would be much to do in FF6. In my experience those sprites don't work that well and are hard to animate doing anything together


There is a series of images, the creator lost to time, this was one of them. Seemed to work decently. https://us.rule34.xxx//images/199/624899fbde5c0f7fb75e19d3c2571816cea7f081.gif?198768


Interesting. I cannot see the image for some reason, fails to load, but I found the other one with Cyan on there. I thought I had seen all of these years ago but I guess there's still hidden ones like this.


The earlier motivational sprite art was around for a little while then just disappeared. The internet never truly forgets something clever, however.