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Edit: Forgot to upload animations. I said the next animation would be easier to see, but I lied. It's still kinda hard to see with so much happening so close in an isometric angle at a small resolution. I think a better strategy going forward will be to release everything publically, just delayed a bit, so I will release this in a few days I guess, while subs have early access. And maybe I will put up a new tier for a poll to vote on the next game, because actually I don't have any ideas for the next game. I could go back and finish some things... All characters are 18+. All activities are consensual. No characters are related. Any animals are actually humans in animal suits. 全キャラは18歳+です。全活動は和姦です。全キャラは家族性の絆がありません。動物なら、動物スーツで着られた人間です。




This looks great to me, I'm always amazed at how you can make lewd stuff that looks like something right out of the games.