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Not every girl behaved correctly this year. There are some girls that have been a little naughty maybe. Regardless of their behavior they can still get many presents. This year she wanted to surprise you with some gifts. You started as her babysitter but for her, you have become much more than that. You both have had sex almost every single day. She always eagerly waits for you to arrive at her house so you can take care of her when her mom is away working. It came to a point when you were also picking her up from school instead of her riding the school bus. Sometimes she can't wait until you both arrive home that she already unzips your pants while you are driving. Once home, as soon as the door closes she is already launching herself to you. She loves when you undress her as she is busy kissing you. Maybe there is no place on her home where you both haven't had sex. Right at the entrance, the sofa, the kitchen counter, on top of some furniture, the shower, the laundry room, her mom's bedroom, the carpet, stairs, and of course, her bedroom. You have already get used to the tons of energy this little girl has. Sometimes she can't stop having sex with you even when her mom arrives home. She prefers having you inside her until her little legs are completely numb rather than going downstairs for dinner. Her mother is okay with it. She is actually glad she found you. Her daughter's need for sex was such a difficult thing to manage. Constant tantrums and misbehavings that seemed to have no cure. It seems all she needed was sex. She had some trouble with previous babysitters since they couldn't handle her. It all changed when you arrived and ever since she is constantly happy and in a good mood. She even does her homework now (sometimes) and her grades have gone up.

This Christmas she didn't asked for anything for herself. Instead, she asked her mom if they could buy you some presents. They both went to the mall and chose something that you would like perhaps. The little mischief girl chose one thing: a ribbon. Her mom on the other hand bought some boxes of a future gift for you both. A few boxes of condoms. Her daughter hasn't had her first period yet. You both have unprotected sex every single day but it's okay since she is still small. However with that much sex she is having, puberty may strike her sooner. Her mom knows a few condoms won't be enough so she bought a few boxes of them. Her daughter is a more simple girl. Her present for you is herself. On Christmas night she placed the ribbon she bought on herself and presented herself to you when the time to open the gifts came. This is the most peculiar gift you have received ever. But maybe it is your favorite. Your gift launched herself to you since she wants you to "open it". Her mother hugged you wishing you the best and left you both alone so you could enjoy your gift.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a happy new year XD!

Thank you all for supporting my girls this year and wish you all the best. 😎
