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次回Pixivに投稿予定のいじめ女子学級【95】の線画です。 今回はリクエスト頂いた作品で、中1の姉と小4の妹の2人がいじめられます。 中1のいじめられっ子は同じクラスのいじめっ子達から、公園で全裸になってカメラに向かって自己紹介するようにと命令を受けます。 もちろんやりたくないと言ういじめられっ子ですが、 「嫌なら別にいいよ。あんた妹いたよね?妹に代わりにやってもらうからw」といじめっ子達は笑います。 一方、別の場所ではいじめられっ子の妹にも「お姉ちゃんいじめるのやめてほしかったら、あんたが代わりにやってよw」と脅しをかけ、お互いがお互いを守ろうとした結果、2人とも言われた集合時間に公園に集まり、そこで全裸にさせられます。姉の乳首には前からのいじめでピアスを既にあけられていますが、妹の乳首にも泣き叫ぶ姿をよそに容赦なくピアスを開けられ、さらに両者のクリにはローターを固定され、カメラに向かってピースをしながら妹は名札、姉は学生証を手に持ち本名と学校名、年齢、学年、住所を言わされ、その様子を動画に撮られるのでした... Line drawings for the next Bullying Girls' Class [95] to be posted on Pixiv. In this requested work, two girls are bullied: a middle school sister and a fourth-grade sister. The first junior high bullied girl is ordered by her classmates to get naked in the park and introduce herself to the camera. Of course, the bullied girl・ doesn't want to do it, But the bullies say: ‘If you don't want to do it, it's fine. You have a younger sister, don't you? I'll get your younger sister to do it", the bullies laugh. Meanwhile, elsewhere, the bullied girl's little sister is also threatened: ‘If you want me to stop bullying your older sister, you'll do it.’ As a result of their mutual attempts to protect each other, they both gather at the park at the meeting time they are told, where they are made to strip naked. The older sister's nipples have already been pierced due to previous bullying, and the younger sister's nipples are also pierced mercilessly, despite her crying, and both of them have rotors fixed to their clits, and they are made to say their real names, school names, ages, grades and addresses, with the younger sister holding a name tag and the older sister a student ID card in her hand while she is peacing to the camera, They were then filmed on video...



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