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次回Pixivに投稿予定のいじめ女子学級【88】の線画です。 今回は教室でのいじめです。 いじめられっ子は下半身裸、上半身は制服を胸の上までまくりあげられた状態で皆の前で身体検査を受けられ、「乳首強度測定」と称して乳首にピアスをされ、そこに分銅をぶら下げられどこまで耐えられるかと測定をさせられます。 分銅を前にして恐怖にブルブル震えるいじめられっ子を周りはニヤニヤしながら観察し、悪夢の時間は続くのでした... Line drawings for the next Bullying Girls' Class [88] to be posted on Pixiv. This time it is bullying in the classroom. The bullied girl is strip naked on the bottom half of her body, and her uniform is rolled up to her chest on the top half of her body, and is subjected to a physical examination in front of everyone. Under the guise of 'nipple strength testing', her nipples are pierced and weights are dangled from them to measure how far she can withstand the pressure. The nightmare continues as the bullied child trembles in fear in front of the weights, while everyone around her observes with a grin...



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