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次回Pixivに投稿予定のいじめ女子学級【87】の線画です。 今回は教室でのいじめです。 いじめられっ子は気弱で大人しいタイプで、見ていてムカつくというだけの理由で同じクラスの女子達からいじめのターゲットにされてしまいます。 本来はそういうタイプではないのですが、皆に押し付けられ学級委員長をさせられることに。 今はクラス会議の時間で、今度の文化祭の出し物決めがテーマなのですが、委員長として司会をするいじめられっ子は奴隷扱いされているので普通にはやらせてもらえません。 いじめっ子のリーダー格の女子から「奴隷の癖に普通に喋るなんて生意気だよ。お前は下の口で喋りなw」 と言われ、靴下以外を全裸にされ、教卓の上で顔は黒板の向きに、お〇んこやお尻は皆に向かって丸見えになるような姿勢で座らされ、腹話術のようにお〇んこを指でくぱくぱさせながら司会を始めるとクラスは大爆笑。 クリにはこれまでのいじめで装着されたピアスと、それにぶら下げられた「学級委員長」の紋章が痛々しく光ります。 男子も含めクラス全員が見ている中で痴態を晒す羽目になり、顔から火が出るほどの恥ずかしさですが、逃げ場はどこにもありません。 出し物の投票は彼女の体に直接マジックで書かれながら行われます。 女子には悪口を言われたり嘲笑され、男子には興奮して性的な目で見られる中、地獄の時間は続くのでした... Line drawings for the next Bullying Girls' Class [87] to be posted on Pixiv. This time it is bullying in the classroom. The bullied girl is a timid and quiet type, and is the target of bullying by the girls in her class simply because she is annoying to watch. Although she is not naturally that type, she is forced by everyone to be the class president. It is now time for a class meeting, and the theme is deciding what to put on the upcoming school festival, but the bullied girl who is chairing the meeting is treated like a slave, so she is not allowed hosting the meeting ordinary. The girl who is the leader of the bullies says to her, "You have the cheek to speak normally as a slave. You should talk with your lower mouth." She made me strip naked except for her socks and sit on the teaching table facing the blackboard and her pussy and buttocks in full view of everyone, and the class burst into laughter when she began to speak while opening her pussy by her fingers like a ventriloquist. Her clitoris glistened painfully with the earrings she had been wearing and the emblem of "class president" hanging from them. She is embarrassed to the point that her face is on fire as she is forced to expose her perversion in full view of the entire class, including the boys, but there is nowhere to run. Voting for the Cultural Festival's performance is done with a magic marker written directly on her body. With the girls swearing and ridiculing her, and the boys looking at her excitedly and sexually, the hellish time continues...



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