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次回Pixivに投稿予定のいじめ女子学級【85】の線画です。 今回も教室でのいじめです。 いじめられっ子はクラスで奴隷扱いされており、その立場を象徴するかのように首輪だったり乳首には直接名札を付けられ毎日のように性的いじめを受けています。 ある日給食の時間に、「奴隷の分際で口を使うのは生意気」と因縁を付けられ、「あんたには下の口があるでしょ」と、口にガムテープをされ、お〇んこやアナルで給食を食べるよう強要されます。 それまでもいじめで異物を挿入されてきたのですが、お〇んこにはバナナやウインナー、ゆで卵を、アナルには牛乳を、と今までで一番たくさん物を挿れさせられ大変苦しむことになります。 もちろん作った人に失礼だから、との名目で残すことは許されません。 しかも見世物としてわざわざ教卓の上で、男子も含めクラス皆に見られながら辱めを受けるのでした... Line drawings for the next Bullying Girls' Class [85] to be posted on Pixiv. This time again, the bullying takes place in the classroom. The bullied girl is treated as a slave in class, and as if to symbolize her position, a collar is name tag is attached directly to her nipples, and she is sexually bullied on a daily basis. One day during lunch time, she was told that "You're slave so don't use your mouth" and was forced to eat her lunch with her pussy or anus. And, she's taped to her mouth. She had been bullied and had foreign objects inserted into her pussy before, but this time many things in her pussy and anus. She's forced to put in her cunt, a banana, a sausage, a boiled egg, and milk in her anus. Of course, she was not allowed to leave them in the name of being disrespectful to the people who made them. And she's humiliated on the teacher's table as a spectacle, with the whole class, including the boys, watching her...



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