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次回Pixivに投稿予定のいじめ女子学級【66】の線画です。 今回のいじめられっ子は2人で、奴隷1号、2号としてクラスで奴隷扱いされている子達です。 奴隷達は教室やトイレの掃除、黒板消し、昼食のパンや飲み物を買いに行くパシリ等色々な仕事を押し付けられ、少しでもしくじるとお仕置きと称して苛烈な仕打ちを受けます。 今日は、1号がパシリを命じられ、誤って命令と違うものを買ってしまったことでお仕置きを受けることになりました。さらに2号の方も、連帯責任として一緒にお仕置きを受ける羽目に... まずウォーミングアップとしてお尻が赤くなるまで叩かれた後、本番のお仕置きに入ります。 2人は反省を示すため書道で使う筆を使い、1号は「二度としません」2号は「ごめんなさい」と反省の言葉を書かされます。 しかし普通に書かせても面白くないので、お〇んこに筆を入れ、お尻を後ろに突き出した姿勢で、さらに足はいじめっ子達にくすぐられる中書くよう強要されます。 当然この状態ではまともに書くことができませんが、綺麗に書かないと追加のお仕置きだよ、といじめっ子達に脅されているので二人は必死に書きます。 間抜けな二人の様子をいじめっ子達は嘲笑うのでした。 This is a line drawing for the next Bullying Girls' Class [66] to be posted on Pixiv. This time there are two bullied girls, who are treated as slaves in class as Slaves No. 1 and No. 2. The slaves are forced to do various jobs such as cleaning the classroom and toilets, erasing the blackboard, and going out to buy bread and drinks for lunch, etc. If they make the slightest mistake, they are punished with a harsh punishment. Today, No. 1 was ordered to buy lunch and was punished for accidentally buying something that was not what she was ordered to buy. No. 2 also has to be punished together as a joint responsibility... First, as a warm-up, they are spanked until their buttocks turn red, and then they start the real spanking. To show their remorse, the two are made to write words of remorse using a calligraphy brush, with No. 1 saying "I will never do it again" and No. 2 "I'm sorry". However, it is no fun to make them write normally, so they are forced to write with the brush in their cunts, with their buttocks sticking out behind them, and with their legs tickled by the bullies. Naturally, they can't write properly in this state, but the bullies threaten them with additional punishment if they don't write neatly, so they write frantically. The bullies mocked them for being so dumb.



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