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次回Pixivに投稿予定のいじめ女子学級【60】の線画です。 今回も教室でのいじめです。 昼休みにクラスのいじめられっ子2人が、全裸で後ろ手に縄を縛られたまま向かい合わされます。 乳首やクリにピアスをつけられ、お互いのピアスはゴムで結ばれることに... このままでもジンジン痛みが走るのですが、下手に動くとゴムが引っ張られて更に鋭い痛みが走るので、お互いほとんど身動きできません。 ところがいじめっ子達は、理科室から持ち出した分銅をゴムにぶら下げどちらが長く耐えられるか競争させる、と情け容赦ない遊びを持ち出します。 クラスの皆はどちらが勝つか賭けて盛り上がる中、渦中の二人は怯え涙目に... This is a line drawing for the next Bullying Girls' Class [58] to be posted on Pixiv. Again, it is bullying in the classroom. Two bullied girls in the class face each other during lunch break, completely naked and tied with ropes behind their backs. Their nipples and clits are pierced, and their piercings are tied together with rubber... The pain is sharp already, but if move, the elastic is pulled and the pain is even sharper, so they can hardly move. The bullies, however, play a merciless game of hanging weights from the elastic to see which can endure longer. While everyone in the class is excited betting which will win, the two bullied girls are terrified and teary-eyed...



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