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Hey, anyone played Rain Code? Anyone? This is being bumped up in line a fair bit because we also in close proximity to it have both Danganronpa and AI: The Somnium Files pictures sitting and those would be kind of redundant to all submit in short order since they have such overlap in fanbases, plus we're meaning it as a tie-in to the release of Another Code seeing as they're both visual novels with kinda-sorta ghost companions. ... We actually do have an in-progress Another Code picture but didn't quite finish it in time. But yeah, I had kind of mixed leaning positive opinions on Rain Code all in all, but the best character was most definitely Halara Nightmare and I could kind of immediately see how to approach doing bits with them padded. Could see us doing more with the cast in the future but nothing else really in mind at this point in time. We actually meant to have Vivia hanging out in the fireplace but we didn't quite have the time to fit him in there. Shame since that'd have been a good, "Erm, what?" for people not familiar with the source material.



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