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Welcome to our restaurant. Today we have four fresh meat animals, which were ordered by the guests of today's banquet. They all have the meat quality certificate issued by the farm. Everyone to see, first is to cook Terran and rabbit Terran two meat, in order to guarantee the freshness of meat, we are all in the case of live food for cooking, so now, cats are Terran and Terran meat after hutch, our staff are using massage stick to appease their small hole, relieve their tense mood, tense mood can lead to unnecessary hormone secretion, let the taste of meat. As you can see, the tian-Terran and the Tu-Terran are currently in the blurred state after the climax. The feather of tian-Terran has been removed and turned into meat wings. At the same time, we have extracted her milk in advance as the sauce for this barbecue. Ah, someone is laughing. Did you see the tag pinned to their nipples? Yes, this is farm, according to their characteristics for identification tag day Terran is "cows", the amount of milk because she has been before such a commanding lead, and rabbit Terran is "sex", this is said to be her mental state during the breeding is not stable, so has been in the meat to mate with the opposite sex, to keep a good mood. Our two cooks are ready, they will now two meat mouths together, in charge of the rabbit Terran chef picked up the steel, as you can see, the steel is five meters long, he aimed at the rabbit Terran buttocks, slowly inserted. This has to be done with care as we haven't eviscerated the animal, so be careful not to puncture its gallbladder and stomach sac, or the leaking fluid can make the meat bitter. Listen, rabbit meat has started Shouting, the steel has broken her rectum, her fingers in the scratch, toe is also open, her body shaking, but please be assured that this pain for a short period of time has no effect on meat quality almost, may because of muscles taut, make taste more chewiness, which is solved feeding meat don't exercise for a long time the best way to lead to fleshy partial soft. Now that the steel was out of the rabbit's mouth and her eyes were wide open, the cook controlled her arms and legs and tied them to the steel to prevent them from getting uneven from the struggle. Now, the drill goes into the mouth of the Tianterrans, and this time you can't hear the scream, because the drill is destroyed by the drill, so you can't make a sound. Her eyes widened, too, and her hands and feet reacted almost as if they were rabbit-humans. Oh, I'm sorry, we didn't expect her milk to come out of the blue. Here comes the assistant to collect it. So you'll know why she's called a cow. Well, our cook is really skillful, and now the steel has gone through the bottom of the Tianterran. Check the steel. Good. No gastric juice or bile. Next, our chefs grill them on a low heat and brush them with Terran milk every 5 minutes to make the skin crispy and give them a nice creamy aroma. It takes five strokes, and you can see that the meat is slowly turning red, and they should be dying by now, and if you look at the eyes, the pupils have widened, and their mouths are reflexively opening and closing, and when they stop opening and closing, the meat is dead. Ah, since the Tianterrans have wings and are not as evenly heated as the Tutorites, the master in charge of the Tianterrans USES an alcohol blowtorch to further process the less heated parts. Everyone should smell the milk aroma, volatilize out of the milk have such a strong aroma can imagine the meat soaked milk is how sweet, at the same time I would like to remind everyone who wants to order, the day Terran fat ratio will be more, and rabbit Terran meat is more thin, please choose according to their own taste. Well, the last time in a twinkling of an eye brush milk has ended, and meat has now emerged as a deep crimson, crispy also grilled about, then there is the barbecue, decomposition, head don't abandon, body and limbs will be separate, tighten the limbs of meat, the meat of the body is relatively soft, day Terran breast and meat will be cut off alone, meat tight feeling more wins and limbs, and breast milk is overflowing fragrance of fat. Okay, now we're going to cook the two remaining animals. The other two had just been strangled and eviscerated, according to a special request from diners. We do not recommend this, but because the meat quality of the cat and the Terran is generally not as good as the previous ones, the requirements for this method are relatively loose. If you think the first two kinds of meat are too expensive, you can consider these two relatively cheap types. As you can see, the two animals were clearly struggling to die. Their pupils had turned white, their tongues were sticking out, there were purple marks on their necks, their breasts were swollen, and both of them had sutures on their bellies. We have sewed up clean up for them in advance splanchnic incision, and insert the right amount of milk, to do so than with dirty baking, their meat will absorb more milk, at the same time because it is the inner and outer two-way absorption, milk can penetrate into live roast cannot reach deep, when they will be more juicy meat, this is also make up the cat Terran and Terran fleshy, a method of the congenital deficiency. We also put two meat mouth-to-mouth set, insert steel, this time because there is no internal organs, only need to pay attention to ensure the steel from the mouth of the cat Terran, into the mouth of the Terran, and from the Terran butt out, then the same gently slow roasted, brush a milk every five minutes, until their internal milk is dry, don't make a sound when shaking, baked process similar to the meat of the skin will gradually become red, send out a fragrance. I can see that some customers are already drooling. Please remember that we can only guarantee the supply of eight meat animals per week. If the quota is full when ordering, it will be postponed to the following week. As we speak, the meat is already cooked, looking at the golden crispy skin and plump meat, it must be very delicious. Ok, this is the end of the cooking show time, restore everyone to watch, next is the time to order their guests to enjoy, goodbye everyone, wish you a pleasant meal




Top quality meat! Thank you for the wonderful meal! :D~~