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以下將會教學如何加入我的 Rocket.Chat 伺服器,及如何獲得贊助者權限~~ 以下的步驟只需要進行一次! 不需要每個月重複操作~ 之後就可以盡情查看我的創作🥰

Here I will show you how to join my Rocket.Chat server, and how to join supporter-only channels! You'll only need to do the following step once and can enjoy my work afterward! No need to redo these steps every month or so!

🪧第一步 First Step!

請點擊以上連結,若是使用電腦將會看到以下畫面,請點擊 Web application:

Please click the link above, you'll see this page if you are using a PC, click on Web application:

如果是用手機的話,請點擊 Mobile application, 並依指示下載App。

If you are using your phone, click on Mobile application and download the App.

🪧第二步 Second Step!


For PC users, create your account on this page!


For mobile users, click on the same link again, and create your account in the Rocket.Chat application.

⬇️(同樣的連結) (Same link as before)⬇️

(若提示要輸入伺服器位址,請輸入 chat.omurice-kun.com )

(If you were prompted to input a server address, key in chat.omurice-kun.com )


You might need to verify your mail account during the registration process, check your spam box if you didn't get the mail!

🪧第三步 Third Step!

如果你已經贊助我了 (一定有的對吧🥹),請點擊以下連結找到你的贊助證明

If you are one of my supporters (which you should be🥹), click on the link below to check your supporter card!

請確認隱藏姓名的選項是關閉的,然後右鍵 (或用手機長按) 儲存這張贊助證明的圖片,並將圖片上傳至贊助者驗證的頻道!

Please make sure you don't have the "Hide name" toggle enabled, then right-click (or long press on your phone) to save this image, and upload the image to the supporter verification channel!

🪧完成! Done!

管理員會審核你的贊助資格,然後將你加入可以看到無碼圖片或動畫的頻道,請稍等我們處理 >

Mods will check and see if you are qualified, then add you to the uncensored art or animation channel, please be patient with us >

❓我遇到困難了... Something went wrong...


If you encountered any issues during the steps, please contact me on Twitter with the link below!




See you on Rocket Chat! ❤️😁




我換過一個Gmail信箱註冊了 結果連垃圾信件也沒看到認證信....QQ

