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Dear followers Our new comic Vorepunk: The lost patrol are finished!! Plz check your P.M.(personal message) for download link. The Link will stay active for 1 month. For the new followers who join us this month plz read the post carefully to make sure you get the comic. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Every month i'll working on the monthly reward comic sometimes it's fanart sometimes it's my original story (Vorepunk series). Normally i'll start working on comic around 10th of each month.(example i start working April reward comic at 10th April)the comic will almost finish around 25th so at that moment i'll make a post about the progress of the comic . Then around 5th of next month i'll release the comic and send download link in personal message(P.M.) then take a break for 5 days and back to work again.(example i release the April reward comic at 5th May) After 2-3 days i'll upload comic on Gumroad so if new patrons missed the comic you can still get it on Gumroad. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ My Gumroad link: gumroad.com/win4699 Thanks so much for your support with your help we'll keep up the hard work and make more comic for you guys : ) 感谢大家的订阅和支持,我们频道的运作方式为: 每个月的5号前后推送上个月的漫画(如10月5号推送9月的订阅漫画)。大约在当月(如10月)20号-25号左右我们会推送新漫画的内容和制作进度,在下个月1号左右Pixiv会进行扣款操作为了保证您的订阅成功,建议在5号之前都不要撤销订阅,否则您将会有可能收不到上个月的漫画(如果取消订阅会导致我在后台看不到您的ID)。漫画在每个月的5号左右会以私信的形式发送下载链接给订阅者,敬请留意。下载链接有效期为一个月。 感谢大家的订阅和支持,我们将持续制作更多的漫画。



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