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*Translation below was made possible with the help of Sephallia. Thank you so much Sephallia. The pope’s barrier had repelled Plato’s rush. Having lost his posture, the reverberations from Misha’s Siren stalled him just a moment longer. Springing on the chance, Yuu-sama cut through Plato with a blade of ice, causing blood to gush out. The fight was progressing in our favor. (Leave this to Cardinal Yuu, Misha, and me. Everyone else, please conserve your strength.) Suddenly a voice resounded within me. The Pope had called out to us through telepathy. (You haven’t forgotten that our opponent is one of the Three Great Archdukes, right? Wouldn’t it be best to avoid dividing our strength?) Claire-sama gave her objection. I agreed with her. (I don’t know why, but it seems that Plato is already rather drained. I have a bad feeling.” It’s true that Plato’s fighting lacked its usual lustre. We didn’t feel the same overwhelming power that he seemed to have brandished before. (Are you suggesting the demons have some sort of scheme?) (I can’t say for sure, but I do believe it would be best to reserve our strength for Rates and the Demon Queen. Make sure to keep an eye on our surroundings.) (Understood.) Though we never had the chance to challenge Plato at our best, when we had challenged the likes of Rates and the Demon Queen, it was clear that we stood no chance. Those two were still waiting for us past this point. If we could, it would definitely be best for us to conserve our strength here. (Fine. However, if things get dangerous, we’re stepping in, okay?) (Of course, I’m counting on you.) Nodding to Manaria’s words, the Pope began the chant for Area Heal. “You think I’ll let you!?” Having noticed the barrier had disappeared, and recalling that the barrier was what shut down his last attack, Plato put his sights on the Pope and rushed forward. However―. “I won’t let you.” “Yeah.” With her magic wand enchanted into an ice sword in hand, Yuu-sama stood in Plato’s way. Misha stood right behind her, ready and waiting. “You’re in the way!” Making use of his giant body, he tried to punt them out of his way. Even if we were to add Yuu-sama and Misha’s weight, I’m sure that sum would not even add up to be half of Plato’s. It was like trying to compare a dump truck to a bicycle. “Ice blades!” “Vibrate!” The surrounding temperature suddenly plummeted. As Yuu-sama generated countless ice swords the size of longswords, she also lunged forward to slash Plato. Though I thought that the attack was too rash, “Gwah!?” The one who dramatically fell over was Plato. It appears his feet had been sewn to the ground with swords of ice, preventing him from moving. “I see, it was MIsha’s support.” “What do you mean, onee-sama?” “Look carefully. The swords that Yuu launched out are rapidly vibrating. Those vibrations should serve to increase their sharpness.” That makes sense. They’re like those high frequency sonic blades that often appear in science fiction. “It’s over, Plato!” Yuu-sama attempted to deal the final blow with her sword. “... Don’t look down on me!” Slamming both of his arms on the ground, he used that force alone to launch himself forward. That’s right, without showing any concern for his legs that were being shredded by the swords that nailed them to the ground. “!?” Caught by surprise, Yuu-sama momentarily switched to defense. “You’re too soft!!” Nimbly twisting his body mid air, Plato carried the momentum into an attack with his club. “Guh...!” “Kyaa!?” Unable to withstand the attack, Yuu-sama and Misha were knocked away. That Platos, he still had his monstrous physical strength. “How’s that!” “Become whole.” The Pope had activated Area Heal. It was as though a bucket of cold water was dumped straight on Plato’s head. The spell not only affected Yuu-sama and Misha, but countless other soldiers were also revitalized. “Hahh... hahh... damn it...!” On the other hand, Plato was badly battered. He hadn’t even started the battle at his best, but now, he was also covered in wounds. The wounds to his legs were especially deep, it didn’t seem possible for him to move as nimbly as before. Having taken this many injuries, he should have no choice but to admit defeat. “Plato, surrender.” “... What was that?” “The outcome is obvious, any more is futile.” “...” With her usual blank look, the Pope advised that Plato surrender. “You’re telling me to admit my defeat?” “Yes. Even if you are a demon, I’m sure you value your life.” “... Like hell I do! We demons desire destruction! Death is something we seek, not fear!” Plato sent a vile stare at the Pope. “I have always wanted to ask you demons. Why is it that you want destruction? You have received life in this world just as we have. What is the heart behind that desire?” The Pope continued to ask, ever calm. Her voice even contained benevolence and compassion. “Life is just a curse. If we were never born, we wouldn’t have suffered. Why don’t you understand something so simple?” “It’s true that life will come with its fair share of hardships. But surely, we are only able to find joy because we’re alive.” “Rather than the chance to experience happiness, it’s more important not to experience unhappiness. That’s what we’re saying!” As Plato’s blood littered the ground, he continued to attack the Pope. He swung his club, made the earth quake, and brandished his claws. However, all of those attacks were either repelled by the Pope’s barrier, parried by Yuu-sama, or dispersed by Misha’s magic. “Shit...” “You desire destruction, and yet continue to live. Doesn’t that mean that you also have something that’s important to you?” “The only reason I am alive is to fulfill the calling I have received from the Demon Queen. I will return everything to nothing. For that purpose I was born, for that purpose I live, and for that purpose I will die.” It’s as though they were drawing two parallel lines. The demons, who seek a void without any suffering, humans who seek happiness even amidst suffering. There was an unbridgeable gap between the two. “You won’t surrender, no matter what?” “I’m sick of hearing it.” “... Is that so...” With sadness, the Pope closed her eyes for just a moment. Then, raising her head, she exchanged looks with Yuu-sama and Misha. Yuu-sama and Misha’s sonic blades once again sew Plato’s body to the ground. “Guhh...! What do you intend to...” “You have my blessing. May you be reborn as an existence that affirms life.” “...!” The pope, Yuu-sama, and Misha formed a triangle around Plato. All three of them prayed in unison. Plato’s giant body was engulfed in a brilliant light. His body seemed to steadily decompose within the light, fading into the empty sky. This was likely a technique specific to the Spirit Church. The Church, having opposed demons for such a long time, likely had other ways to vanquish demons as well. “Plato, thou by the grace of the Spirit God, I bid thou― “... Heh, I refuse.” Having said that scornfully, fresh blood splattered. “Plato... you...” “I’m a demon... like hell I’d sit here and accept a blessing...” Plato pierced his own chest, pulling out his own core. Dark red blood gushed out from his mouth. “Now go. Send the last of my strength to the Demon Queen.” With those words, Plato’s core disappeared into the imperial castle. “Demon Queen... bring this world... it’s salvation...” Leaving only those words behind, Plato’s body fell over with a thud. Having lost its core, the large demon remains broke apart and vanished without a trace. Having desired nothingness to the very end, it was a grand finale for a demon who had pledged allegiance to the Demon Queen. “... How pitiful. You lived in such a contradiction. To have parted with such pride, and yet also with such frustration, did you not discover meaning in life at the end...?” With no expression―no, with slight sadness, the Pope watched over Plato. “If you had just... been a warrior on humanity’s side... no, it’s pointless to consider.” “Pope...” “Rei Tailor, if I had taken one step in the wrong direction, I would have ended up like them. That’s what I think.” “!” That was a confession I had not expected. “As you know, I’m a failed product, born solely with the purpose to create you. Unlike other spirits’ lost children though, I have come to know the reason and circumstances.” “... Yes.” “At times I resented you. There were also times where I lost sight of why I personally existed. It’s possible that, like them, I could’ve become possessed by the ideals of nihilism.” “...” I had no words to respond with. After all, it was my fault that the Pope was even in a position to think such a thing. While I was at a loss for words, a cheerful voice dispelled the dark atmosphere that surrounded us. “But in the end, the Pope did not succumb, and that’s all there is to it.” “Claire François...” It was Claire-sama. Without hesitation, she continued. “‘Why was I born?’, questioning the reason for one’s existence is a path that I’m sure everyone must pass.” “You have as well?” “Yes, of course. However, whether one stalls out there or continues forward, perhaps that is what decides whether one retains what makes one human. That’s what I think.” “Claire-sama...” “To curse life and seek nothingness, I’m sure some choose that path. It’s not that I can’t sympathize with their feelings...” “...” As though to say “however”, Claire put emphasis into her next words. “If you want to deny life, you’re free to do so on your own. There is no reason that you should drag others down with you, much less forcefully drive those who affirm life to their deaths. I have no intention to forgive anyone that does such a thing.” If you seek death, go ahead. Claire-sama declared such without any margin for sympathy. “Pope, though you may have once stalled out, you did not try to force that on others. You are different from the demons.” “... That’s true. It is just as you say.” With those words, the Pope cast an unusual smile on her face. It was a bright smile, as though the darkness that had just possessed her had completely vanished. “Regardless of the past, now, I affirm me, affirm life, and reject nihilism. I don’t hold a grudge against Rei Tailor. This is me.” “That’s exactly right.” “Thank you, Claire François. You are indeed a wonderful person.” “I only said what was obvious.” Having been praised by the Pope, contrary to her words, Claire-sama was not at all dissatisfied. “Alright, let’s press forward. We’re finally at the imperial palace.” “Yes.” In file we proceeded into the imperial palace. At last, it was time for our confrontation with the Demon Queen.



That was actually kinda sad in itself 😥😥😥 I love that we are learning more about what the Pope herself is like and how she felt about being a "failed" product it really makes her feel like a real person 👏👏👏 Sephallia as always amazing job on the translation cannot wait for the next one I hope that it is as good as it is building up to be 👍👏👌


thanks for the chapter Inori sensei and Sephallia for the translation! I really enjoyed the fight with Plato, seeing Yuu and Misha cooperate as one person makes my gay heart appreciate it. on the other hand the pope helping was amazing, I wonder if she has a limit in her magic. To think that how the pope was before and how she is now, opening her heart was quite good and how the beautiful Claire dissipated the clouds from her heart, it was beautiful, what a good person Claire is, I love her a little more every day


I forgot something important, it really worries me why Plato is so weak the demon queen is doing something weird, I have a bad feeling about that. but I also appreciate that neither Mei nor Alea participated in the fight