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皆さんこんにちわ!いつもご支援ありがとうございます!!  もう二月も中盤ですね!時がたつのが早すぎて恐ろしいです!  そして私はずっと脇の絵ばかり描いてますね!よほど好きなのでしょう!困ったものです!  どうやら私はにおいを感じる絵を描くのが好きなようです! なのでこれからもにおいを感じる絵を描いていくのでどうかご期待ください!!  ではまた!! Hello everyone! Thank you for all your support!  It's already the middle of February! Time flies so fast, it's frightening!  And I've been drawing only sides all the time, haven't I? You must love it so much! I'm in trouble!  It seems that I like to draw pictures that smell! So please stay tuned as I will continue to draw pictures that smell!  See you later!



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