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どうも、syuroです。 転載対策も兼ねてリンクの掲載方法を変えようと思いましたのでご連絡させていただきます。 投稿ではなくFANBOXのメッセージ機能を使って皆様にリンクを送ろうと思います。月の途中から支援していただいている方もいらっしゃるため各月の月初めと月末の二回にリンクを送信させていただきます。 これに伴い一部のリンクの掲載された投稿を今月末に削除します。もちろんそれらのリンクはメッセージで送付しますのでご安心ください。 また、リンクの変更があった場合は変更のあったリンクを再度メッセージでお伝えします。ファイルを保存したい場合はなるべく早く画像の保存行っていただくことを推奨します。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Hi, this is syuro. I would like to inform you that I have decided to change the way I post links. Instead of posting the link, I will use the message function on fanbox to send the links to everyone. Since some of supporters start supporting me since the middle of the month, I will send the link twice a month, once at the beginning of each month and once at the end of the month. I will remove some of the posts with the links at the end of this month. Of course, I will send those links to you by message. If there are any changes to the links, I will send you a message again with the changed links. If you wish to save the file, I recommend that you save the images as soon as possible.



ファイルの内容に不備がある場合や要望があればリプライやDMでお気軽にお伝えください! Please feel free to tell me in reply or DM if the file is incomplete or if you have any requests!


Could you give some insight to this situation though? This change would cause a big inconvenience for both you and supporters so I really don't know if it really worth it. Maybe you want to prevent pirating and such?

KP-YOSHI (ライム)







Hi Syuro, is it still possible for me to get the earlier artworks from the beginning of January of this year, because I didn’t received the links in my message after I supported you today.


I don't delete posts with links prior to January of this year, so please check for posts tagged "リンク".


Yes, I understand, but I wanted to download the artwork from and after January 2022, is there a way I can get them?


Sorry, I misread your message. Since there is a lag in the timing of when support is confirmed for each supporter, the link will be sent around September 5, Japan time. I will post the previous month's postings in the message if requested.


Ok, please do so, I don’t want to miss out any great artworks from you! Thank you so much.


can I get link to your uncensored work before 2022? anyway is that a pixiv policy or something? I mean censorship


As I wrote it in another comment, I don't delete posts with links prior to January of this year, so please check for posts tagged "リンク".


Sorry to bother you, but links to uncensored works before September of this year are can't get now?


I will post the previous month's postings in the message if requested. I will send two more messages this month. Both messages will contain links to posts prior to August!