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I found people who reprint FANBOX works without permission.

Please do not post, distribute, or make available to third parties any of the works in FANBOX.

Please do not post or distribute FANBOX works in such a way that third parties can view them.

Resale or profit making is also prohibited.

If you find any of these activities, please notify us to withdraw your work for the above reasons.

If you find them, please notify us so that we can take them down for the above reasons.

I have already reported the ones that I found myself.

However, I had to delete some of my twitter works because I had no choice.

please do not violate it.



Question: Where can i find a gallery of all of your works (uncensored)? Please answer. 質問です。あなたの全作品(無修正)のギャラリーはどこにありますか?回答をお願いします。


こんにちは。こちらにまとめましたのでご覧ください。 https://inaxtoto.fanbox.cc/posts/2486456




I would recommend to put this directly pinged on your twitter, lots of people are interest in this.


English-speaking subscriber here, you have my word that I will not redistribute any of your work, and will be vigilant to look for anyone who does in my circles, reprimanding and informing them. I'll also do my part to guide anyone looking for your work to your fanbox, you deserve all the support you need, friend!

Chef G

That’s quite selfish. Inax san posted the link here because the artist wanted it to be exclusive. The artist has no desire to post the link to the public where more people can redistribute Inax san’s work without permission or illegally upload it to another site. That defeats the purpose of this message from inax san.


Im referring to post the link to this post behind a paywall on twitter and having it pinged. lots of people would get in as they are interested in it.

Chef G

I see. The way you phrased it sounded like you wanted inax san to post the mega link on Twitter. Even so, I don’t think it makes a difference. Many people out there wouldn’t want to pay to gain access to the artist’s uncensored version. They want to access for it for free.

Ket Ralus

Sorry this has happened to you. There are people who do the same with my work as well. It's difficult to handle. I will continue to support you and respect your wishes. Good luck! このようなことがあったのは残念です。私の作品でも同じようなことをする人がいます。扱いが難しいですね。これからも、あなたの意思を尊重しつつ、応援していきたいと思います。がんばってくださいね。