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年輕有為的女老闆正在和他的客戶進行視訊會議,她親切有禮又不失專業,自信美麗的模樣贏得了客戶的信任 創業的艱辛讓她需要一些特殊的方式舒壓,她的員工正如以往的在幫她解決一些檯面下的問題,但是這次的問題遠比以往還要更加"巨大" (◔౪◔) The young and promising female boss is having a video conference with his clients. She is kind and polite yet professional, and her confident and beautiful appearance has won the trust of her clients. The hardships of starting a business made her need some special ways to relieve stress. Her employees were helping her solve some problems under the table as before, but this time the problems were far more "huge" than before. (◔౪◔)



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