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Vicky有一點潔癖,不喜歡使用公共廁所 但她卻不介意把自己的髒污弄得到處都是,然後讓下屬幫忙清理。 很令人惱火的雙重標準 "不准再站到馬桶上,影響其他人是不道德的 你再這樣上廁所我就不幫妳清理了(メ ゚皿゚)メ" “但你不是"其他人"吧?你不願意幫我收拾嗎?讓你親愛的主管成為一個不道德的人?” "……ಠ_ಠ " Vicky has a bit of mysophobia and doesn't like to use public toilets But she is quite comfortable with leaving her mess everywhere and asking her subordinates to help clean it up. Very annoying double standards. "You are not allowed to stand on the toilet. It's immoral for you to influence others like this If you keep using the toilet like this, I won’t clean it for you (メ ゚皿゚)メ " " But you're not an "others," right? Wouldn't you like to clean it up for me? Make your dear supervisor an immoral person? " "...... ಠ_ಠ "



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