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想畫這個題材很久了,應該是目前最多字的文案,填字就花了超過一個小時,也辛苦匿名君了 這次也花不少時間製作脫衣服的版本,希望大家會喜歡 如果反應好的話"老師"的下一集會再製作成這個形式,反之則我可以把時間省下來做別的內容(´・ω・`) I have been wanting to paint this subject for a long time. It should be the most wordy copy at present. It took more than an hour to fill in the words. Anonymous also worked hard This time I also spent a lot of time making the undressed version, I hope you will like it If the response is good, the next episode of "Teacher" will be made into this format, otherwise I can save time and do other content (´・ω・`)



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