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So, with the news that came out about 4-5 hours ago, Paypal will no longer be an option for payment usage when supporting creators who make Adult/R-18 content. If you make R-18 content one time, or something close to it, you'll get checked off by Pixiv and you can't turn it off.

If you're already using paypal as a recurring subscriber, you won't be affected apparently. This new changes is for those who are new subscribers and people who sub then unsub.

Payment Options

So, if you guys want payment options moving forward for support, FANBOX is still taking CC directly (Mastercard, VISA, JCB). So, you can still directly subscribe here or with any of your favorite artists/creators.

Convenience store option is only available for JP users unfortunately.

Alternative CC Options

I'm not 100% sure on this, but I believe you can also use prepaid cards as well if you don't want to use your direct CC. You can obviously buy prepaid VISA cards from your local store or even buy them over amazon as well.

What if I HAVE to use Paypal?

So, in the situation that you HAVE to use Paypal, the only option for you Patreon right now. I'm gonna have to find time to sign up for Fansly, because Paypal is still supported on there.

Link to Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SicPhuck

The drawback to moving over to Patreon is that there won't be any "Smoli" content on the other sites. If you want "Smoli" content, it's either gonna be here or on Subscribestar.

Link to Subscribestar: https://subscribestar.adult/sicphuck

How will the artist/creator get paid?

As far as I know, I can still receive my payouts from Paypal. So, I can still pay myself. I don't know if that's gonna change. However, Pixiv added a new payout option through Wise. They added Wise on the 3rd of March (Something tells me that the staff saw this coming), so if I can't pay myself through Paypal anymore, I have Wise as a backup.

Personal thoughts:

Just like I said in my blog about the patreon changes, this is 100% far sided politics at play (BOTH SIDES). These are not positive business moves, Paypal is obviously trying to ban all Pornographic/Adult like connection from their company. They don't care if it crumbles businesses or hurts average people, it's about injecting their ideology on to people who want nothing to do with it.

I will also give kudos to Pixiv & FANBOX staff, because this could've went the way of Gumroad where Pixiv would have to ban all R-18 stuff. If they bowed to that pressure, it would 100% killed their site and all of their creators careers would be Thanos'd from existence.

I know it probably wasn't easy for the staff to cut off Paypal, because it makes it easier to sub, buy request or buy preminum, but I guess it's better than banning all R-18 stuff.

That being said, Pixiv still needs to do something to better their pay options similar to Fanza & DL site. If they don't put some type of new pay system out soon and if it keeps getting worse and worse, Pixiv can still die.

In Conclusion:

Artists, creators, & audience are all caught up in a giant political culture battle that's not stopping anytime soon. Most people want to just simply make lewd contents and view lewd contents and just be left alone. But, we keep getting caught up in this crossfire because people nowadays are too stupid to simply turn off their monitor or go look at something else.

Corpos are using children/minors as shields for their reasoning for these changes on these sites, when all they have to do is be better parents and monitor your fucking kids.

Apparently, there's even a bill they're trying to pass in some states to sue creators & fans on social media and Reddit for postiing adult content where their kids see it. This is getting out of hand.

I don't care about your kids, I'm not interested in your kids, I don't give a shit about your kids and your family values. I just want to make and post my R-18 content, if your kid ends up finding that type of stuff, that's the parent's fault. Not my problem.

Leave the artist/creators alone and don't tread on us. God damn.



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